Les Sageais
version françaiseenglish version
Cottage and charming bed and breakfast in Brittany



Les Sageais, chambres d'hôtes
6-8, Les Sageais

tél: +33 (0)6 47 62 72 65

GPS : 48.501599 - 1.749440

Form for pré-booking

Your phone number:

Your email address:

How many adults are you :

How many children are you :

Your check-in date: - -

Your check-out date : - -

Mail's subject :

Post your questions :

Answer the question below please :

Geographic location

Les Sageais | 6-8, Les Sageais - 35120 BAGUER MORVAN | Phone: +33 (0)6 47 62 72 65 | contact us

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